Get Your Monthly Precious K9s Training Box

Dog training for the busy two and four-legged family!

We understand that life can get busy and it can hard to give our dogs the enrichment they need. That's why we made the Precious K9s Training Box! It comes with all the tools you need to have a well-trained dog and some fun!

The Precious K9s Training Box gives you all the tools you need to train your four-legged friend from the comfort of your own home! You'll get training videos and tools, toys, enrichment activities, treats, and special items just for YOU! We even offer specialty boxes that give you everything you need to focus on a specific behavior!

The Precious K9s Training Box is designed to help you teach your pup new behaviors and tricks using our training methods at Precious K9s. You can pickup your box at our facility in Battlefield, Missouri, or we can ship it straight to your doorstep.

Precious K9s Dog Day Training, Battlefield MO

The VIP training experience.
It’s not Day Care, it’s Day Training

Southwest Missouri’s Largest K9 sports training facility

Private Dog Training in Battlefield, MO

​Sometimes you just need the experience and personal attention of a professional dog trainer. In our initial consultation I will explain our different training options. Then, in our one-on-one training sessions, we will implement a step-by-step training plan that moves you and your K9 in a positive direction.

Group Class Dog Training in Battlefield

Precious K9s also offers professional dog training in small groups. Our class roster and list of workshops is ever changing and growing. Please check the calendar for upcoming classes and descriptions. You never know what we might be teaching and what guest teachers we might have!

Therapy Dog Training in Battlefield, MO

Precious K9s Therapy is a company that is focused on the well-being of our four-legged family members while visiting people that can benefit from the therapeutic effect dogs can have on us. This is a group of individuals dedicated to making a difference with their best friend by their side.


The AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program is rapidly becoming recognized as the standard of behavior for dogs in our communities. ….

Do you and your dog love to be the life of the party by showing off his arsenal of tricks? Then he might be perfectly primed to earn AKC Trick Dog titles! ….

The Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT), established in 2001, is the leading independent certifying organization for the dog training profession. ….

Why I Don’t Train Service Dogs (Anymore)

I retired from training Service Dogs 2 years ago. I had one severely attacked on a walk and ruined. I had one forced to fly even when it scared him to death. I had one attacked at Walmart. Walmart, and other businesses, wont make "fake" Service Dogs leave. Businesses...

What to Do If You’re Unhappy with Your New Trainer

What do you do if you chose a dog trainer and you find out their sugar coated words hide training methods you don't want to use on your dog? You be an advocate for your dog... that's what. Stand up for your dog. Tell them you don't want to train your dog that way, and...

Resource Guarding Part 2

Every time I do a speech, a seminar, or an on the fly demonstration, I later think of  better ways to say things or more things to say....So, here are some after thoughts from our Dianne Cannafax seminar along with the demonstration ideas on paper for everyone. I...

Managing Your Dog’s Stress: Why We Dance in the Rain

Last night was a rough night in classes. We had 4 situations that are going to require private coaching so we can focus solely on what they have going on. We had 2 puppies displaying behaviors that are more intense than you want to see from puppies. 2 dogs with...

Let’s Talk About Air Catches: Air Locks and Your Dog

Let's talk about air catches. I sit with my clients, regularly, and help them learn to manage their dogs and yards. I describe my air catch in my field to them (not pictured) and suggest that they can make it as simple as I did or they can do some landscaping. This is...

Slow Your Roll: What Are Prerequisites For?

I was emailing a new client today, and it made me think of 25+years ago when I was training at our local dog club. I remember watching people say they wanted to go to advanced classes and then watching the trainers tell them they had to do the prerequisites first. I...

Is it time for you to add a new member to the family?

It is so exciting to bring a new puppy home. We get to go shopping.We take it everywhere with us and show everyone. It is exhausted by the end of each day and sleeps with us perfectly... Then we go back to real life... Now we have a little peeing, pooping, and...

When should you start training your new dog?

When should you start training your new dog? The long and short answer is..." Immediately"! First impressions are important with humans, but imagine what they are like for a dog... They are brought out of familiar surroundings and put into a whole new life. Sometimes...

Unwanted Behaviors

I often times start out a lesson listening to all of the things a dog does that the parents don't appreciate. "How can I get my dog to stop digging, barking, shredding my house, etc."? The long and short answer is...EXERCISE... Yep it's kind of that simple......

Can you fix every dog?

As a professional I am asked difficult questions weekly if not daily.  One of the hardest questions I have been asked over the years is, "Can you fix my dog"?   Unfortunately, the answer is more complicated than just "yes" or "no".  Over the years I have helped many...

Resource Guarding

  How many of you have brought home a new dog...loved everything about it... and then one day it growled or snapped at you over a toy, or it's food, or a piece of trash?!?!  This is a behavior called Resource Guarding. It is a behavior all animals do to some extent....

Walking with your dog should be like therapy.

There aren't many things that are as relaxing as going on a long walk with your dog...right?! Okay, so some of you are laughing right now...but hang in here with me...Picture you and your dog on the perfect walk. Choose where you like to walk the city,...

Dogs helping children

I was invited to speak last week at my children's school for career day. The school has a non verbal child that listens really well, but I noticed he was trying to find things to do with his hands a lot. The teacher asked if he could pet "V" the Pug, who has been...

Therapy with dogs in today’s world

These days dogs wear many hats in our lives. They can be the smiling face we love to see when we get home, the constant companion on the go with us for the day, and the reason a person having a bad day looks forward to a better future. Of course, there are a million...

My new blog

This is a new blog that I am going to use as a place to talk about the things that come up in my giant world of dog training. There are many days that I would just love to tell someone about the class I had, or the client that was trying so hard to save their dog....

Missouri’s Best Dog Training Facility in the Springfield Area

When Should Dog Training Begin?

First impressions are important with humans, but imagine what they are like for a dog. They are taken from familiar surroundings and placed in a whole new experience where they don’t know the language or the rules. Sometimes they are transitioning from a place with no dogs to home with multiple dogs. Sometimes they have to learn quickly about children and how they move and make loud noises.
You never know what a dog has encountered in it’s life, so you want to slowly introduce it to all of it’s new surroundings without causing some sort of emotional trauma.
While all this can be overwhelming, it’s also import to begin teaching positive behaviors immediately! Starting at square one and teaching your new dog to be calm in all circumstances can be priceless. The fewer times they practice the wrong behavior, the fewer times they will need to practice the right one, in order for it to become muscle memory. If we always sit for a food dish…then we ALWAYS sit for a food dish. It can also decrease any anxiety when you give them positive structure.
Let’s get your canine started in a positive direction. Check out our list of classes and workshops. Online registration is available. Click here for answers to our most frequently asked questions. Or contact us to talk about your particular training needs.
Precious K9s - Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Springfield, Missouri areana
Precious K9's

Excellent trainers to get you loving training! Workshops, online classes, private instruction or consultations, etc.

Been attending for years now because my dog and I love it. We’ve learned so many things.

The instructors have been with us every step of the way from furniture out the door in pieces to now napping in workshops.😆😆

Colleen Q, Springfield, Missouri

I am so thankful for you ( Carrie) & wish you were in Austin with me now!!

Shela R, Austin TX