Online Programs
4 Legged Toddlers Course
Potty Training
Boot Camp
This is a two-week online course where we will troubleshoot the potty training issues in your household. From puppies to adults we will help you teach your dogs that we “go potty outside” by building confidence and teamwork.
Come join the Precious K9s Trick Dog Teams online!

We meet one time a week and discuss Do More With Your Dog tricks and AKC Title tricks in our Private Facebook Group. We will learn at least one new trick a week and have troubleshooting discussions. We will learn everything from beginner tricks to the most advanced you can come up with! Member participation is encouraged and we love seeing your training videos!
When you are ready to submit for your titles, Lisa and Carrie are Certified Trick Dog Instructors and Lisa is an AKC Evaluator, so we will approve your applications and get you ready to send it off! There is no charge for your approved evaluation when you are in our monthly membership program.
Your payment today will subscribe you to our Trick Dog Program. After making your payment you will have to friend Carrie Galvan on Facebook at After she accepts, she will add you to the group! You will stay in the group as long as you are subscribed.