Dog Training Classes & Workshops near Springfield, MO

Do you want exclusive?
Do you want individualized training?
Do you want results?

Welcome to Springfield’s friendliest family owned and operated dog training facility and Southwest Missouri’s largest indoor canine sports arena! Come train with Springfield native and long-time Canine Behavior Consultant, Carrie Galvan and her team of professional trainers. We have everything you need to have your dog become the best family pet or a strong competitor in many sports! With over 100 years of professional expertise under our roof, we promise you will see the Precious K9s difference the minute you step in the door. You can’t even begin to compare us to the big box stores and franchises in our area. You get so much more than just weekly training with our courses!

“We are here to help you have a well-trained dog, not just a partially trained dog.”

*Holiday And weather closings may extend your class availability length.
*To enhance your experience, we have semi-private classes with no more than 5 students.
*UP TO DATE shot record documentation is required by start time. Your dog will be dismissed without this proof, with no refund. We require at least one round of Parvo and the Bordetella booster for your puppy to begin class and the yearly booster if over a year. These must be done by a veterinarian. They are also required to have their Rabies shot if they are old enough, per your Vet.
*We no longer offer single 6-week group stand-alone classes, as it is often very hard for people to make all six weeks.

To enquire about an evaluation that will help you know where to start with PK9s, please email the following information to us at [email protected].


  • Dog age
  • Dog’s previous training
  • Your previous training
  • Overview of titles or accomplishments you or your dog have.

To enhance your experience, we have semi-private classes with no more than 5 students.

Precious K9s is always adding and changing workshops throughout the year. Stay up to date on our social media (Facebook and Instagram) and by visiting our Class Registration Page.

The benefits of professional dog training are endless. No matter when you start, foundation training provides the baseline for all other training and behaviors a dog will learn.

Precious K9s courses will teach the necessary positive socialization and lay the groundwork for good canine psychological health. These courses also teach dog owners the skills and knowledge necessary for dealing with common puppy and dog behaviors. Puppy and dog training can also teach basic canine manners like coming when called, walking on a leash, and greeting guests.

In general, trained dogs will participate more fully with their family and their environment. Well-behaved dogs can attend family sporting events, attend outdoor gatherings and go along on vacations. Dog training helps dogs and owners to build strong bonds. Trained dogs are also much more likely to remain in their forever home.

Professional dog trainer Carrie Galvan has been working with and advocating for canines of all breeds, for more than 20 years.

“As owner of Precious K9s, in Springfield, Mo., we make it our mission to help aide in education, management, and training that will help our K9s live a happier life in the world to which we have domesticated them.”

Precious K9s offers a variety of dog training in-person classes, workshops, and seminars, along with online options, so you and your canine can have the best relationship possible. Our classes teach canines and owners how to understand and communicate. In addition, we offer classes and workshops that cover everything from basic potty training and manners, to therapy dog training and more.

NEW – Online Training


Bringing your puppy home


Essential Oils With Your K9



You must have taken at least two PK9s core classes unless otherwise instructed by Carrie or Sarah.

Your dog needs to be able to walk on a leash. Your instructor, Sarah Schroeder, will teach you how to handle your dog in conformation. She will cover stacking, gaiting, and presenting your dog to the judge. This class will consist of actual instruction and run-throughs.

Scent Work Run-throughs

This is for show level dogs. Run- throughs on containers and interiors. We will offer all levels. After signing up you will need to email [email protected], and let Sarah know what levels you would like to run. There will be coaching with your practice run throughs if you would like.

Trick Dog Certifications and Titles

Do More With Your Dog (DMWYD) created by Kyra Sundance

Instructor Carrie Galvan, Certified Trick Dog Insturctor (CTDI)

DMWYD Certificate:

You can learn tricks on your own or with some friends.  Carrie Galvan is a Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI). Watch each other perform the tricks and sign the witness line!  Print and mail in the Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, and/or Champion sheets one at a time or all together!  You can earn your certificate…BUT if you are going to spend that much time doing all this, why not work toward a title with Precious K9s!

DMWYD Title with Carrie and Precious K9s:

Because you are in class with Carrie Galvan, CTDI, you can earn your Trick Dog Titles with DMWYD without submitting a video.  Have a Certified Trick Dog Instructor sign and date the tricks you need to earn your title.  Precious K9s will print your checklists and get you on your way to Champion Trick Dog!

  1. Novice (15 Tricks.  Advanced and expert tricks count as two tricks)
  2. Intermediate (Novice title plus 12 tricks of intermediate or higher skill level.  Advanced and expert tricks count as two tricks)
  3. Advanced  (Intermediate title plus 5 advanced or expert tricks)
  4. Expert (Advanced title plus 5 tricks of expert skill level)
  5. Champion (Expert title, plus video submission of tricks set out in the Trick Dog Champion Title application)

American Kennel Club (AKC) Trick Dog Title:
  1. Must be registered or listed with AKC by having either an AKC number, PAL alternative listing, or AKC Canine Partners number.
  2. Complete the tricks listed for the level in the presence of an approved CGC Evaluator, and Precious K9s can provide the CGC evaluator; or another option is to submit proof (a copy of the certificate or title) of the level achieved with DMWYD.



AKC Trick Titles                                   Equivalent DMWYD Titles

AKC Novice Trick Dog (TKN)……………..Novice Trick Dog (NTD)

AKC Intermediate Trick Dog (TKI)………Intermediate Trick Dog (ITD)

AKC Advanced Trick Dog (TKA)…………Advanced Trick Dog (AT)

AKC Trick Dog Performer (TKP)…………Expert Trick Dog (ETD) or Trick Dog Champion  (TDCH)

AKC Trick Dog Elite Performer (TKE)….No Equivalent DMWYD title


If you have a DMWYD title (Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert), you may send proof of the title (copy of DMWYD certificate) and pay only the $20 title fee for the highest level title for which you are applying to earn the equivalent AKC Trick Dog title.  Example: If you have a DMWYD Advanced Trick Dog title, send the AKC Advanced Trick Dog Application with the $20 title fee, and AKC will issue your AKC Advanced Trick Dog title.  You do not need to apply for Novice and Intermediate Trick Dog.