Why I Don’t Train Service Dogs (Anymore)

by | Oct 6, 2024 | Dog Behavior, Dog training

I retired from training Service Dogs 2 years ago.
I had one severely attacked on a walk and ruined.
I had one forced to fly even when it scared him to death.
I had one attacked at Walmart.
Walmart, and other businesses, wont make “fake” Service Dogs leave.
Businesses don’t really know their rights, so their employees don’t either.
I told a client their dog wasn’t SD material and discontinued the training. The dog bit another dog, in public, months later.
There’s no regulation that works “for the dog.” It’s all about protecting the human’s disability “rights.”
Trainers teach people to “take your dog everywhere” without telling them EVERYWHERE may not be safe for them.
People lie and say, “they deserve,” and they don’t even think about what another person or dog deserves.
People lie and say their dog’s are ESA’s to get housing with dogs that are terrible in public.
Huge dogs, with long hair, in restaurants can suck for other patrons.
Trainers don’t teach the difference and legalities of a SD and a SD IN TRAINING.
People get whatever breed they want instead of one that is EASILY capable.
People use their own dogs because they could “tell they were upset one time”.
Just because it wears a vest doesn’t mean it really is.
People don’t know the difference between Service Dog, Therapy Dog, and Emotional Support Animal.
Trainers tell people it’s just good obedience and tricks.
Trainers want the money but don’t know what they are doing.
People train their dog’s at dog events with ARE NOT SAFE for a dog being made to perform at a high level.
The ADA Regulations on SD’sare warped to fit people’s wants.
People train their own because they can’t afford it, yet REAL knowledge with a REAL SD trainer that will save you money in the end.
If you are wanting to not be noticed, don’t get a Service Dog.
People assume that everyone knows about dog behavior just because they know a little.
People assume their take on dog behavior is right, even when talking to an expert.
Dogs are animals and we are treating them like they owe us something because WE deserve something.
This is why I retired from training Service Dogs 2 years ago.
-Carrie Galvan CBCC

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