Are you a Precious K9s student?
We offer an exclusive Arena Rental Program so you can practice in between classes.
- Our arena is a 6,000 sq ft, climate-controlled facility with 5,000 sq ft of astroturf just for you and your pup!
- AstroTurf is 50 x 90
- We have a Keyless Entry system that allows you easy and safe access to the arena. *You will have to pick up your key card during normal business hours. (Monday through Friday)
- Peaceful, grassy areas around the facility to walk and potty your dog on.
Equipment Available
- AKC regulation agility equipment with a course set up for practice
- AKC and DMWYD Trick equipment
- AKC and UKC Scent Work equipment
- Blue-9 and FitPAWS fitness equipment
- AKC Rally Obedience equipment
Requirements for Sport Equipment
- Approval from a PK9s coach for the agility equipment
- At least 6 weeks of training in Scent Work and Rally
- Approval from a PK9s coach for use of the Fitness and Tricks equipment
Our Arena Rentals are roughly available the following hours, outside of Precious K9s operation hours:
Monday through Thursday – Before 8:30 a.m. and after 9:30 p.m.
Friday – Before 8:30 a.m. and after 7:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday* – Before 9:30 a.m. and after 12:30 p.m.
*When no events are scheduled.
Event Rentals
We offer Event Rentals for clubs and other dog groups!
These can be used for trials, seminars, or for club practices.
Contact Carrie @ [email protected] for more details and availability.
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For non-members.
You can also pay as you go! If you are not ready to become an Athena’s Arena member or you are just passing through for a trial, you can pay as you go!
- Time slots may be limited to times when staff can be present. This will be discussed, by email, when payment is made.
- No refunds if we are not alerted, by email, within 48 hours of your scheduled visit.
- Liability agreement has to be signed upon entry.
$20 for 30 Minutes
$25 for 1 hour
$30 for 1.5 hours[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type="1_4" _builder_version="4.16" custom_padding="0px||0px||false|false" global_colors_info="{}" custom_padding__hover="|||"][et_pb_text _builder_version="4.19.5" custom_margin="0px||0px||false|false" custom_padding="0px||0px||false|false" global_colors_info="{}"]
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Our graphic designer did an amazing job capturing Athena’s personality. The picture is from her doing a jump in a NADAC trial on a Jumpers course. Directly after this jump was a ring gate, which she proceeded to jump, kiss a guy in the stands, jump back into the ring, and finish her course… because we had a great judge. She shocked the audience in the whole room!
I have three different angles of the video as the whole audience did the, “Ooooh, gawd,” inhale, because she had such a reputation for not enjoying the company of strangers. We obviously didn’t Q, but this was one of the top ten best days of my life…
That morning, at the beginning of her first course she freaked when I yelled “BREAK” at the starting line and ran head first into the glass wall at the soccer dome… so hard people screamed! Her second run was the “visit to the audience” run. And her third run was a tunnelers course that she nailed and got her Q! I was so proud of her!
Her favorite thing to do in the world was agility. All her fears would fade. We even did the jumpers course during a storm, which would have normally sent her to the corner trembling. She could run by strangers because she wanted the next obstacle sooooo bad. She could even ignore the fact that the entire building was filled with dogs (which she admittedly thought should all fall off the face of the earth).
I can’t wait to watch everyone’s dogs blossom like she did. My only regret is that I didn’t finish the building years ago before I retired her. She would have never wanted to go home.[/et_pb_testimonial][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type="2_5" _builder_version="4.16" global_colors_info="{}"][et_pb_image src="" alt="Precious K9s - Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Springfield, Missouri areana" title_text="Precious K9s - Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Springfield, Missouri areana" show_in_lightbox="on" _builder_version="4.16" box_shadow_style="preset2" global_colors_info="{}"][/et_pb_image][et_pb_image src="" alt="Precious K9s - Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Springfield, Missouri areana" title_text="Precious K9s - Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Springfield, Missouri areana" show_in_lightbox="on" _builder_version="4.16" box_shadow_style="preset2" global_colors_info="{}"][/et_pb_image][et_pb_image src="" alt="Precious K9s - Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Springfield, Missouri areana" title_text="Precious K9s - Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Springfield, Missouri areana" show_in_lightbox="on" _builder_version="4.16" box_shadow_style="preset2" global_colors_info="{}"][/et_pb_image][et_pb_image src="" alt="Precious K9s - Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Springfield, Missouri areana" title_text="Precious K9s - Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Springfield, Missouri areana" show_in_lightbox="on" _builder_version="4.16" box_shadow_style="preset2" global_colors_info="{}"][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text disabled_on="on|on|on" _builder_version="4.16" header_3_text_align="left" header_4_text_align="center" header_4_text_color="#712515" header_4_font_size="23px" z_index_tablet="500" text_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" text_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" text_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" link_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" link_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" link_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" ul_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" ul_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" ul_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" ol_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" ol_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" ol_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" quote_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" quote_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" quote_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_2_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_2_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_2_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_3_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_3_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_3_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_4_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_4_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_4_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_5_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_5_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_5_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" header_6_text_shadow_horizontal_length_tablet="0px" header_6_text_shadow_vertical_length_tablet="0px" header_6_text_shadow_blur_strength_tablet="1px" box_shadow_horizontal_tablet="0px" box_shadow_vertical_tablet="0px" box_shadow_blur_tablet="40px" box_shadow_spread_tablet="0px" disabled="on" global_colors_info="{}"]