Assessing Dog to Dog Interactions DVD

When dogs meet they communicate with each other with their body language. Through video clips and written narrative learn how to evaluate interactions between dogs and how to identify least risky and most risky behaviors. Includes a step-by-step on-leash assessment procedure to help determine whether a dog is safe around other dogs. Illustrated with examples of on-leash and off-leash interactions.

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This information is a must for animal shelter staff, dog day care staff, dog trainers, as well as pet owners who want to prepare for dog-to-dog encounters on the street and in the dog park.

Sue Sternberg has devoted her personal and professional life to helping dogs and people live together happily. She is the author of numerous books and DVDs on dog adoption, canine body language and behavior, especially aggression. Her work educating shelter personnel on training, temperament testing and environmental enrichment has helped countless dogs find their forever homes.